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Training on the T's - SQL Server Security Easy Button Q&A

On October 7, 2014, I spoke for Pragmatic Works' Training on the T's webinar series. 
Here's the rest of the questions I didn't get to answer. 

Q: Where can I get the slide deck and presentation?
A: Orlando SQL Saturday , Tampa SQL Saturday , Jacksonville SQL Saturday

Q: All of our database tables are under the dbo schema. How can I set up programmers to be able to modify stored procedures but not give them the dbo schema permission with which they can modify tables?
A: I think the only possible way to do this is to split the stored procedures and tables into different schema. I do not see a way in the permission models to grant permission to modify stored procedures without also granting the same permission to modify tables.  Granting ALTER ON OBJECT gives access to multiple object types in the database. See longtime SQL Server MVP Erland Sommarskog's comment here on this question. See the next question for additional information. 

Q: Where i can get the SQL Server permissions PDF?
A. Google "sql server permissions poster" or go to this link.

Q: Good morning, Where I can find the current session recording? I missed half of the beginning part.
A: Consider yourself lucky. You missed most of my 'ums' in the first half. ;-)
You can find it here.

Q: Would you recommend using this security script along with C2 auditing?
A: Yes, but I would recommend using the Common Criteria Compliance option instead. C2 audit mode is deprecated and will be removed from a future version of SQL Server.

Q: The password vault you keep referring to is the windows credential manager found under user accounts in control panel?
A. No, it's called the Cyber-Ark Enterprise Password Vault

Q:You mentioned a couple of names of people we should know and I missed the name of the first guy.

Q: How does the DBA sign out a user id with sysadmin rights?
A: In our environment, they log in to Cyber-Ark and provide a valid change or incident ticket.

I apologize for too many 'ums' and completely forgetting to use Zoomit while reviewing the script.
Thank you for attending! 


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